Business essay samples


Federal Contracting Activities and Contract Types


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A contract is a formal, informal, oral, or written agreement that is made and signed between two parties ...


Strategic Human Resource Management Case

This paper entails an Australian study about the post-employment experiences of the older persons who had left full-time workforce. The paper looks ...


100 Yen Sushi House Case Study

Every restaurant should have its own peculiarities, something that attracts visitors to come there over and over again. Wise managers struggle to ...


Motivation in the Workplace


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Every manager knows that to make an employee work good, he or she should be motivated. But not every manager ...



As presented in the movie, it was the idea of Skilling to turn Enron from energy producer to energy trader. It can be said that the idea of Skilling ...


Procurement Outsourcing Strategies

Procurement outsourcing is a situation where quantified procurement activities relating to getting a supplier and supplier management are shifted to ...


Technology Applied in E-Business

This project tries to find advances in information technology that can be applied in e-business to improve customer relations. The main hypothesis ...


The People Who I Look Up to

The global environment is a healthy ground for various companies and institutions to place their business operations. It is a place where they are ...


The iPad Mini

This fourth generation device is thus a revolution in terms of design (Apple Inc, 2012). With regard to marketing the iPad Mini, there are a number ...


Wal-Mart Corporation: Company Analysis

The stores of Wal-Mart are  the biggest retail company that operates within the United States of America. The company has received the first ...

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