Green Consulting Company Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy Overview and Goals

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The Green Consulting Company was established to assist small businesses and companies to develop and adopt greener model in order to achieve efficiency, industrial efficiency and profitability. Towards the achievement of this mission the company’s marketing plan provides a framework for assessing the internal and external market environment, various plans, including a financial and organizational plans among others, and strategies to guide the plan’s implementation and evaluation. This comprehensive plan will provide potential investors with information on the plan’s viability and potential for success. The company’s goals include:
Be the market leader with a 35 – 45 % market share
Create value for clients in terms of more environmentally friendly production methods
Attract potential customers through the Virtual Enterprise Network outside of Santa Monica by January 20, 2013
Liaise with 8 virtual companies by February 2013 to extend Clean and Green Enterprises’ marketing campaign
Increase sales and the number of customers by 15%.

Market Analysis

Target Market and Competition

As an independent contractor, the Green Consulting Company’s target market includes small businesses as well as major corporations across various industries in the country. As such, the firm’s consumer base represents a wide range of actual and potential clients, who will effectively sustain the company by purchasing its services. With such a wide consumer base, Green Consulting Company must effectively create a strong brand that is easily identifiable by potential customers. This is in light of competitors such as Draper Consulting Group and Gladstein, Neandross & Associates, which already have a high level of market visibility.

Competitive Advantage

Compared to our beginner company, the competitors have more resources, which they will leverage in retaining their consumers and expanding their companies, which means Green Consulting Company needs to establish its own market niche. In order to enhance the firm’s competitive advantage and establish a market niche, the company will provide efficient services that are better than those of the competitors including better contractual terms and reduced prices. These aspects, including better contractual terms, reduced prices and efficient services with highly positive results, represents the company’s competitive advantage which will appeal to potential investors.

Market and Industry Trends

The modern trend where many businesses are competing in industries with strong competitors and some requiring a greener model in order to achieve efficiency, industrial efficiency and profitability, Green Consulting Company will be in demand for the provision of its services. The firm’s market is defined with strong competitors, which the company plans to utilize effective marketing strategies and also the increase in demand of services which will aid to sustain the company. With the economy still in recovery, the company faces challenges in attracting many potential clients, who will be lured by price reduction, as well as the increase in zoning restrictions prone to occur in the industry. However, the market is bound to gain from the industry trend where many businesses are increasingly becoming aware of and adopting a “green image.”

Marketing Strategy

The company’s marketing strategy will be based on various individual strategies targeting potential clients including price, sales and branding strategies, advertising, public relations, networking and customer service strategies (Pinson, 2008).

Pricing, Sales and Branding Strategies

The company will utilize the skimming pricing strategy, which is largely demand-based and hinges on consumers perception of the company’s services. The price will be negotiated in terms of services to be provided by Green Consulting Company, but it will be reduced in relation to generic prices of the competitors. The company’s brand will revolve around the company’s logo, name and service to be provided, all related and emphasized with each other enabling the company to be easily identified with the service provided. The company‘s name will enable customers to identify the company with its product, where a simple, colorful logo will make potential clients identify with the company. The company will utilize a price deal sale strategy by reducing the price for the services provided by 20 percent for the first fifty clients.

Advertising and Public Relations Strategies

For advertising, the company will use mass media including online and television advertisements, as well as newspapers. Online advertisement will involve posting adverts on blogs and creation of a company website where the updates and offers will be posted. For public relations, initial messages about the company will be provided in the newspapers, which will direct potential clients to the company’s websites. This will provide clients with information on services provided, their advantages to consumers and the terms and prices included for various services.

Networking and Customer Service Strategies

Networking will be part of the online advertising campaign, where contacts with potential clients will be entered into a database for further application of other marketing strategies including personal selling. For customer service, the company’s services will include an added free service in supervision of implementation and 50% consultation price for two consecutive sessions after implementation of the set guidelines.

Expected Outcomes and Implementation of Marketing Strategy

The expected outcomes include an increase in the number of clients, more calls and contacts from various clients and an increased number of hits in the company’s website, all culminating into provision of services to many clients. Most of the strategies will be implemented in-house with the exception of advertising and sales where related activities will be outsourced to a professional marketer, who will also contribute in implementing the other strategies.

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