"I Go Back to May, 1937"

“I go back to May, 1937” is a poem published in the year 1987 and written by Sharon. The poem explores the relationship between husband and a wife and later reflects on parents and children. The poem indicates the flashback of the marriage between the parents and the expected challenges along the way. The poem has a distinctive attention to the reader stating that the parents could not have allowed to marry and at the same time if that could have happened, then the author could not have been existed (Olds, 2011).

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“Burning Dreams on the Sun” by Michael Cleary

The poem by Michel Cleary reflects on a truck driver. The driver has been accustomed to travelling at night. The speaker continues to assert that the truck driver has been driving too long. The driver is constantly in the thought of the dreams related to impossibilities that keep on shaming him during the day. The day in the poem reflects reality. The poem continues to characterize the dreams of Icarus who finally managed to fly for some time although the wax on his wings was melted by the sun and he came tumbled down to earth. The driver, in the case, has brilliant ideas that might be realised some day (Cleary, 2010).

Stereotypes associated with truck drivers

Stereotype reflects the standard or formulaic conception, or image. Many people associate truck drivers with predetermined code of conduct. This is not always true; and exceptions do exist. The popular stereotypes in the Cleary’s poem indicate that truck drivers never dare to dream and are almost obsessed with the long trips that keep them away from their homes. The poem continues stating that truck drivers are overwhelmed by turnaround loads. This involves loading and unloading for return trips which are unending (Cleary, 2010). The truc drivers are accustomed to sleeping and eating on their trips. The truck drivers lack delight in their jobs almost drowning away their dreams. They have no time to devote for their families and the private life (Cleary, 2010).

Cleary’s poem refute the stereotypes concerning truck drivers

Cleary states that people should dare and act on their dreams. He is against the stereotypes in the community. Cleary celebrates individuals to dare to dream and go ahead implementing their dreams. The poem has the truck driver as the hero. He continues to challenge negative stereotypes associated with truck drivers. Clearly continues to make comparisons of the truck driver with the Greek Icarus who dared to fly and eventually managed to fly for some distance before crashing (Cleary, 2010).

Icarus and Dedarus were the pioneers in the flying objects that are seen today. Their undaunted courage led to numerous researches in the field of flying that resulted in various inventions of the aircraft. This logical thinking suggests that both Icarus and truck drivers were marked by defiant disregard for the danger involved (Cleary, 2010). The consequences are painful but the results are certainly rewarding in successful transitions. The poem quotes the “Purified by light” (Cleary, 2010).


Cleary is concerned with dreams and the need for people taking action on their dreams. He continues to assert that truck drivers commonly associated with stereotypes feel the need of dreaming although their dreams face numerous obstacles. Truck drivers are always on their wheels, day and night. Cleary is dedicated to refuting the stereotype associated with the truck drivers (Rodriguez, 2011). Dreams come true if acted upon hence there is the necessity of working forth to the realisation of the thought.

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