The Impact of the Balfour Declaration

The Balfour Declaration is the leading document in the beginning of the Zionist State in the Middle East. It is considered as an influential moment in the Middle East history. It was written by Arthur Balfour and issued to Lord Rothschild on 2nd of November in 1917. The Declaration had various impacts on the Middle East. First of all, it totally changed the position of the Zionist movement.

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Balfour declaration pledged assistance from the key world authority and gave the Zionist International acknowledgement.  Further, Zionism was converted by the British promise from an idealistic dream into lawful and attainable responsibilities. The Zionists were not content with the article at all and the Arab inhabitants were disgusted. The permission of the blue flag at a commemoration of the one year anniversary of the one year anniversary of the declaration caused terror and hate because it cherished that Britain was backing a Jewish State.

It was viewed as permission for the division of the region.  The Anti-Semitic approach and actions caused the Jews in Western Asia and Europe to start pouring out into the area and set up homes and societies. All over a sudden, the Jews from all over the world started to see a optimism for the recognition of their centuries long term prayer at the Passover.

The states of Arab that surrounded this actual estate endured the setting up of a Jewish state till the end of the Second World War. Due to Holocaust in Germany, response for a Jewish state was high at all times. The land that had been managed by one country after another since the defeat of Israel in 70 AD was going back into Jewish power. The declaration was seen as a disaster for the Muslim control nations in the Middle East. In the year 1947, there were deals made to establish Israel as a superior nation. The Israel flag was raised and Transjordan became Israel in May of 1948, the day of agreement.

The armies were spread across the borders by the surrounding countries right away. They were rejected but Israel had a stand. The Balfour Declaration had an outcome in the building of the Jewish state in 30 years. This was the beginning of an era of enmity and conflict which has continued up to today (Louis, 1984).

Israel’s territory was once again attacked by her surrounding nations in 1967. Israel kept away the attackers and improved the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, and the land of the Gaza and constructed a united Jerusalem. It did this while the rest of the world watched in expectation of Armageddon due to the forces being constructed during the Cold War. Parts of these possessions like the Sinai were returned at last but most of it was reserved. The explanation for this was protection and the fact that it was also part their national legacy from Abraham (Louis, 1984).

The declaration has fundamentally become the foundation for one nation to exist and the surrounding   to dislike her presence in the entire world. We actually continue to view a modern day sibling clash between the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael all with allegations of rights given by God to this earth. The Isaac descendants held the land for the first twenty centuries after the liberation from Egypt. Ishmael offspring increased there for nearly twenty more centuries after the birth of Christ. Isaac descendants in our days once again allege it as their right.

The impact of the Balfour Declaration has however been on the region state as it stands these days (Louis, 1984). It is a vital article in the history of the Zionist movement, not as much as a beginning  principal for the country of Israel  but as a British authorization to allow the shifting or drifting  of Jews into Palestine, transforming the social make- up of the area. After the anti-Semitic responses in Europe due to the First World War and the put up to Hilter’s last resolution, the number of Jews migrating into the state changed for good the essentials on the land and led certainty to the formation of a Jewish state (Louis, 1984).

The McMahon-Hussein Correspondence and the Sykes-Picot Agreement

The McMahon-Hussein correspondence is the letters that Henry McMahon had exchanged with Hussein bin Ali, the Sharif of Mecca in the year 1915. He had assured Hussein the run of Arab lands with the omission of parts of Syria lying to the west of the regions of Damascus, Aleppo, Hama and Homs. Palestine was not openly mentioned even though it lies to the south of the areas.  The modern area of Lebanese of the Mediterranean coast was put aside as part of a future French permission.  The level of the coastal omissions was stormily argued after the war (Louis, 1984).

Basing on the McMahon’s assurance, the Arab Revolt started on 5th of June in 1916. The French and the British also concluded in secret the Sykes-Picot Agreement on 16th of May in the year 1916. Many Arab regions were spit into British and French-administered area s by the agreement which permitted the internationalization of Palestine. Hussein discovered of the agreement when the new government of Russia disclosed it in December 1917. He was however content by two deceitful telegrams from Sir Reginald Wingate, the High Commissioner of Egypt. The messages promised him that the obligations of the British government to the Arabs were still applicable and that the Sykes-Picot Agreement was not an official accord (Elie, 1976).

The correspondence and the agreement however had their own impact on the Middle- East. For example, the Palestine demographics started to change radically between 1920’s and 1930’s. This is because there was a rise in immigration of European Jews into the mandate. Various factors caused the immigration. For instance, the increase of Zionist philosophy and the deteriorating political conditions for Jews in such states as Germany is one of the factors. Zionism consists of practical politics and spiritual trust. The traditions and of the Jewish are allowed with the signs of the connection to Israelites land. As a result, the Jewish people from then considered themselves as refugees or displaced persons around the world (Louis, 1984).

In the political outlook, there were fears generated as a result of increasing anti-Semitism in various places including Russia and the Nazi in Germany. In this manner that events happened, it became very difficult for Jewish people to assimilate into both economical and political structures of the Gentiles. This led to the need to create a Jewish homeland. In so doing, there was an increase in population by higher percentages (Louis, 1984).

At the same time, during this time Palestinian nationalism increases in their populace due to the pledges that were made as a result of McMahon-Hussein Correspondence accompanied by the principle of self-determination of the Palestinians. Also, in this same period British attempted to mange the competition that was really fierce and thus led to conflict between the people who these pledges were being made to. Jewish immigration to Palestinians began but was really difficult since their interests were against those of Palestinians. Due to the fact that it was difficult to bring together both the Jews and Palestinians, the British government saw the need to change their mind in relation to renunciation of Palestinians after World War II. The responsibility of these issues that surrounded the two communities was given to the fledging United Nation (David, 1989).

The population of Palestinians began to change after the responsibility was given to the fledging United Nations. This was as a result of dramatic immigration of European Jews into the mandate. The immigration was due various factors such Zionist rise and the deteriorating political conditions. This can be termed as amalgamation of religious faith and pragmatic politics (David, 1989).


With such an unusually unpromising and gloomy start, British rule in Palestine was preordained to fail, and it was to fail as tragedy of the Greek people. This can not be referred to as a strategy malfunction, but an egregious ethical letdown. In the predominantly Arab nation; British had the ethical responsibility to lure the minority by promising moral rights, of which was not the case either (David, 1989). The British were capable of doing so but were unable to accomplish because their interest was aimed at selfish ends and for misguided reasons as well. At no point in the whole saga did the British hold the feeling that their power sponsored the efforts that they were to make as entity of the Balfour Declaration, and the end of the mandate was came with the bitterest accusation (David, 1989).

It is true that the Arabs were aggressively opposed to the Balfour Declaration from the beginning. They held Britain accountable for the defeat of their patrimony to the Jewish intruders. I can only agree with Sir John Chancellor that the Balfour Declaration was a colossal blunder-it has proved to be a catastrophe for the Palestinians and it gave rise to the protracted conflicts of modern times (David, 1989).

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